Newcastle upon Tyne
Test bed city
Newcastle has a proud history of exporting ideas and inventions that have shaped the future of cities.
This includes the light bulb and light switch, the steam locomotive and public railways, the hydraulic crane and the national electricity grid.
Today, Newcastle is a test bed for new technologies and services for cities.
Smart solutions are solving problems shared with cities around the world.
Investments in infrastructure are creating new economic opportunities.
User-focused innovations are supporting communities to grow and achieve.

One of the UK’s fastest growing tech clusters
Newcastle is the vibrant capital of North East England, and a thriving hub of business and culture.
Our city is the centre of one of the fastest growing tech clusters in the UK. This includes FTSE 100 company Sage PLC, Ubisoft’s largest UK Games Studio and a new BBC Tech Hub.
Newcastle enjoys a dynamic programme of events and meet-ups that connect high growth businesses in the smart cities sector.
Newcastle Helix is a flagship £350 million innovation quarter that brings together academia, the public sector, communities, business, and industry.
The city is home to four National Innovation Centres on Data, Ageing, Rural Enterprise, and Energy Systems Integration.
Newcastle University’s Urban Observatory maintains the largest set of publicly available real time urban data in the UK.
The NBS National BIM Library is the primary source of free-to-use building information modelling content in the UK.
Creative and digital industries contribute over £3.5 billion to our economy, employing close to 35,000 people in over 3,500 businesses.

NCLEUS connects you to Newcastle’s smart city.
NCL [abrv.] international three letter abbreviation for Newcastle upon Tyne.
Nucleus [defn.] the most important part of a group of people or things.
NCLEUS is a product of Newcastle City Council’s pioneering Innovation Partnership with Urban Foresight.
The NCLEUS platform has three main objectives:
1. Showcase the projects, ideas, and learning from Newcastle’s ambitious smart city programme.
2. Strengthen the city’s vibrant innovation community to create new partnerships and commercial opportunities.
3. Promote Newcastle as a global test bed and investment location for smart city businesses.
Please get in touch if you’d like to find out more about Newcastle, join our community, or contribute to NCLEUS.

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