
Newcastle Helix District Energy Scheme

Newcastle Helix District Energy Scheme

Providing low-carbon District Energy to this flagship city-centre quarter
Securing our energy networks

Securing our energy networks

A new lab will allow researchers to put the electricity grid through its paces, simulating events like power cuts due to severe weather.
PYRAMID real-time platform for flood risk assessment

PYRAMID real-time platform for flood risk assessment

Developing a digitally-enabled environment that benefits policymakers, businesses, communities and individuals.
Connected homes as living labs for energy management technologies

Connected homes as living labs for energy management technologies

55 homes in Newcastle have been fitted with equipment to become living labs for the energy sector.
Strengthening data analyst skills to optimise battery systems

Strengthening data analyst skills to optimise battery systems

Working with NICD, Connect Energy wanted data insights about second-life EV batteries
Clean Air Zone to tackle air pollution

Clean Air Zone to tackle air pollution

Across the country poor air quality is linked to around 40,000 early deaths a year, including hundreds across Gateshead, Newcastle and North Tyneside.
Smart sensors to prevent flooding incidents

Smart sensors to prevent flooding incidents

Sewer and highway drainage issues cause more than 20 per cent of Newcastle’s flooding incidents.
Living lab for naturally engineered flood defence systems

Living lab for naturally engineered flood defence systems

The UK’s largest testbed for sustainable drainage systems is providing a blueprint for how our cities should be designed in the future in order to reduce the risk of flooding.
Sustainable heat pump pilot

Sustainable heat pump pilot

E.On has secured £3.9 million to install heat pumps around Newcastle.
Children help redesign a healthier, ecofriendly Newcastle

Children help redesign a healthier, ecofriendly Newcastle

Over 200 children from Newcastle worked with researchers from the Open Lab to gather evidence - using their senses - and make a case for improving their local neighbourhood.