
Electronic referral to improve medicine adherence and safety
An online data management system was used to improve community-scale pharmacy management.
Evidence shows that ...

Digital assistants support adults to keep active at home
During Covid-19 restrictions, adults with additional support needs were spending much of their time indoors and becoming inactive.

Rapid deployment of in-home connectivity for digitally excluded citizens
Newcastle City Council Reablement Service supports adults who have experienced a life change to live independently in their own homes.

Cargo carrying robots to promote a healthy lifestyle
A team is testing robots at NICA to study human experiences, interactions, and explore user acceptance.

Digital prescribing for falls prevention in reablement services
NCC’s Reablement service supports adults who have experienced a life change to improve their ability or confidence to live independently in their own home.

Preparing for the digital switchover of telecare services
By 2025, analogue telephone services will be switched off as the UK’s telecom infrastructure is upgraded to digital connectivity.

Future homes development on Newcastle Helix
A new idea for an affordable, sustainable homes project will build a community of 66 homes on a site on Buckingham Street within easy walking distance of the city centre’s shops, cafes and restaurants.

Smart sensors to transform how buildings are designed and lived in
A study of seven apartments using sensors to monitor a multitude of factors could lead to changes in how homes are designed.