North East Growth Hub

A digital resource that provides access to business information, knowledge and advice to SMEs in the North East of England.
The Growth Hub is delivered by the North East Local Enterprise Partnership (North East LEP). The LEP works to make the North East a place where more businesses invest, grow and prosper, to deliver more and better jobs for everyone.
The Hub is a crucial part of the LEP’s Business Growth strategy. Business growth and access to finance are key drivers for more and better jobs. They are necessities in addressing market failures to support stronger indigenous businesses to drive up GVA and employment. The North East LEP’s Business Growth Programme provides the framework for an investment of over £200m in access to finance and business support over six years. This investment will increase profitability, wages and employment across the local economy.
The North East Local Enterprise Partnership area covers County Durham, Gateshead, Newcastle, North Tyneside, Northumberland, South Tyneside and Sunderland. The North East LEP Board is business-led and chaired by Andrew Hodgson, former chief executive officer of Soil Machine Dynamics (SMD).
St James Gate, 1 St James’ Blvd, Newcastle upon Tyne NE1 4AD