Invest Newcastle


    Helping businesses locate, expand and thrive in Newcastle and Gateshead. 

    Invest Newcastle helps businesses to locate, expand and flourish in Newcastle. The company provides a range of support services for existing businesses and potential investors, making it easy to realise ambitions for growth. Services provided are bespoke and led by client needs but, as a guide, could include:

    • Provision of research, intelligence and statistics to support the development of your business
    • Employee recruitment and retention guidance
    • Skills and training advice to support a sustainable and talented workforce
    • Property solutions
    • Access to finance and advice on grants and incentives as well as support to develop bids
    • Marketing and PR support
    • Access to world-leading centres of excellence, cluster groups and business development networks
    • Relocation advice, presentations and tours
    • Access to an exclusive range of corporate rates and discounts from some of our major business and professional services in key areas such as finance, legal, banking, recruitment, technology and more.
    • A single point of contact to support the growth and expansion of existing businesses




    Neville Hall
    Westgate Road
    Newcastle upon Tyne
    NE1 1SE


    Version 1 announce 200 new jobs in boost for region’s tech & digital sector

    Version 1 announce 200 new jobs in boost for region’s tech & digital sector

    With the support of Invest Newcastle and £1m from the North of Tyne Combined Authority, Ireland-founded digital transformation and technology provider Version 1 is bringing two hundred new jobs to Newcastle and setting up a base in the region.
    Invest Newcastle: record number of investments during pandemic

    Invest Newcastle: record number of investments during pandemic

    The investment company helped create and secure 2,500 jobs in Newcastle and Gateshead