Connected Voice

Providing free advice and support to people and organisations to help them make a positive difference.
- We provide free advice and support to people and organisations to help them make a positive difference, as well as ethical accountancy that directly funds our charitable work.
- We campaign for health equality and represent our charity, social enterprise and voluntary community nationally, regionally and locally.
- We connect people through events and networks, and give people the skills they need to advocate for themselves or turn their ideas into a successful
project. - We work effectively and accountably to inspire positive and lasting change throughout our community.
Our organisation has been supporting charities and communities in Tyneside since 1929. In our 90-year history we have helped to establish well-known charities that are still thriving today, and paved the way for many national services, including pro-bono services from volunteer lawyers in Gateshead following Poor Man’s Lawyer movement, (a predecessor to Legal Aid). We are proud of the positive impact we have made and strive to continue offering the highest standard of services we can to the voluntary sector and communities of Newcastle and Gateshead.